English Transcript

How to Blow Up an Economy

This is the transcript of a speech I gave at The Conference in Malmo (Sweden) on August 29th, 2023. The video can be found here. Demolition is an essential part of construction. That which is true in the world of material infrastructures is also valid for immaterial institutions. To construct a new, alternative economy – we’ll first […]

Debate English

A response to The Economist: Shut up and let me grow   

On May 18th, 2023, The Economist ran a piece titled “Meet the lefty Europeans who want to deliberately shrink the economy,” commenting on the Beyond Growth conference organised in the European Parliament on 15-17th May. There is nothing remarkable about this article. It’s one of these superficial anti-degrowth boohoos one (too) often finds in dominant media.[i] The fact that the author (Stanley […]

Debate English

A response to Alessio Terzi: Degrowth for good. Dismantling capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe 

Who is still actively defending green growth? There is the boastful – yet scientifically frail – More from less (2019) by Andrew McAfee (rebuttal here); Per Espen Stoknes (Tomorrow’s economy, 2022) and his attempt to make growth “healthy green.” There is Sam Fankhauser engaging in mouth-to-mouth combat with Jason Hickel, the eco-modernists from the Breakthrough Institute, a small gang of promethean […]

Debate English

A response to Adam Lee: Is degrowth wrong?

I miss critiques of degrowth. A few years back, a single online search for the term would unleash a stream of fury. But no more. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I stumbled upon a well-argued critique. Why degrowth is wrong by Adam Lee is definitely not one of them – not even close (I […]