Debate English

A response to Matt Huber: Facts and logic in support of degrowth

As a social scientist working on degrowth, I got a sudden surge of excitement upon hearing that Marxist geographer Matt Huber recorded a podcast titled Destroying degrowth with facts and logic. But the surge was short-lived. The episode is not really worth listening to, with very little of it actually about degrowth. But this was a […]

Debate English

A response to Bryan Walsh: The card castle of degrowth

It takes time to build a card castle but less to destroy it. While the first part is quite dull, the razing is always a thrill. This is perhaps why people enjoyed Bryan Walsh’s 3-pager How stalling growth hurts the planet. The text is tiny but ambitious since it claims to debunk the degrowth argument. Having […]

Debate English

A response to Branko Milanović: The magic of degrowth

Last week, I was only an economist. But now, I am also a magician. On February 20th, Branko Milanović published a post on his personal blog accusing degrowth of “magical thinking.” As a specialist of the topic, I have no choice but to come clean about my supernatural abilities. This is not the first time. Milanović already […]

Debate Français

Réponse à Leigh Phillips : la décroissance pour les nuls

Quelle surprise de voir Le Monde Diplomatique publier l’article « Mirages de la décroissance » de Leigh Phillips, auteur de Austerity Ecology & the Collapse-Porn Addicts (2015). Qu’on parle de décroissance n’est pas surprenant. En effet, la discussion anglophone autour du sujet est en pleine effervescence avec, seulement en 2020, plus de 200 articles dans les médias, 72 articles scientifiques, 11 livres, […]

Debate English

A response to Yanis Varoufakis: Star Trek and Degrowth

On November 26th, Yanis Varoufakis appeared on The Jolly Swagman Podcast. For all of us economics nerds, this is the best Christmas present one could ask for. What threw me off my chair was Varoufakis’ opinion on “degrowth.” As a long-time enthusiast of his work, and considering him a pinnacle of erudition and wit, I was surprised to see him […]

Debate English

A response to Enrique Dans: Decoupling is fake news

Discussions around “degrowth” are blooming everywhere and that’s great news. What is not great is the shamefully low level of academic rigour of many texts that criticise the concept. Never longer than a few paragraphs, often without any numbers or references, these texts are hardly a critique in any meaningful understanding of the term. Enrique […]

Debate Français

Réponse à Nicolas Bouzou: Décroissance n’est pas récession

Personne n’aime les récessions, décroissants inclus. Il existe maintenant de nombreux textes qui expliquent la différence entre décroissance et récession, et même un quiz pédagogique que je recommande vivement à Nicolas Bouzou. Assimiler une pandémie à la décroissance juste parce qu’elle provoque une baisse du PIB est aussi absurde que de décrire une amputation comme un régime juste […]

Debate Français

Réponse à Sébastian Laye: Thanos et la décroissance

Alors que la situation sanitaire s’enlise, que s’aggrave la situation économique, et que s’approfondit la crise écologique, le débat public autour de la croissance s’appauvrit à coups d’articles superficiels, de préconceptions, de prêt-à-penser, voire d’assertions erronées. Dernier en date : « L’économie s’est-elle vendue à Thanos, adepte de la décroissance ? » par Sébastian Laye dans Capital. Des […]